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There are three main reasons why boarding schools must provide housing for its students. First, the fame of a kiai and depth of knowledge of Islam attract students, students from far away. In order to explore the sciences of the Kiai/Imam, regularly and in a long time, the students must leave the kampung home and settled in near the residence of Kiai/Imam,.
Second, almost all boarding schools in the villages where no available housing (accomodation) is sufficient to accommodate students-students, thus there is need for a special dormitory for the students. Third, there is a reciprocal attitude between the kiai and students, where the students think kiainya like a father himself, while the kiai regard the students as a surrogate God must always be protected. The attitude of reciprocity raises the need for intimacy and close to each other constantly. This attitude also led to feelings of responsibility on the part of the kiai to be able to provide a residence for the students. In addition, the students of the growing sense of devotion to kiainya, so that the kiai obtain compensation from the students as a source of energy for the benefit of the pesantren and the kiai family.

In Islamic countries the other, the scholars most people in the city. Thus, the students are learning at a distance under the guidance of these scholars can rent a place to stay around the house master, who usually is quite a lot. In Mecca and Medina for example, which are the two main centers for the study of traditional Islamic scholars to teach his students at the Grand Mosque and Nabawi. The students mostly come from abroad, living in kloni-kloni Al-Azhar University in Egypt Kairoh, providing accommodation within the university complex, but not like Al-Azhar Islamic schools evolved from a traditional mosque education system where the government took an important initiative and that ultimately is instasi fully public owned.
The importance of the cottage as a dormitory students depending on the number of students who come from areas far away. For such a small boarding school, the students are also many who live in houses around the pesantren; they use the cottage only for the purpose-specific keperkluan. To a large boarding school, such as tebuireng, the students must be satisfied to stay with 10 to 15 students in one small room (about 8 m2). Not all students can sleep in the room at night, some sleep on the porch of the mosque. There are approximately 200 students sleeping in mosques around the porch Tebuireng every night. The students are actually registered in certain rooms where they store their clothes and goods other.
State lodge rooms are usually very simple; they slept on the floor without a mattress. Boards installed in the wall to store luggage and other goods. The students from rich families have received and satisfied with the facilities of this very simple. The students are not allowed to live outside the pesantren complex except those coming from villages around the cabin. The reason is that in order to supervise and kiai they know absolutely. This is very necessary because we mentioned earlier, kiai is not only a teacher, but also students substitute their father was responsible for establishing and improving the moral behavior and its students.
In a large boarding school, the cottage consists of several blocks where inggal, organized into groups of sections, and each section has a number of students from 50 - 12 - people. Each section has a name-a name derived from the alphabet. Some sections took additional name of arab name. In tebuiring example, a section called dinya Al-Azhar.
Pesantren in general does not provide special rooms for most of the senior students also doubles as Ustad (teacher of young). They live and sleep together with the junior students.
Ten pesantren in West Java, Central Java and East Java, almost all of them have power. Tebuireng also available in hydroelectric generators to supply water. Bathrooms and toilet facilities seem much better than the rural population belonged. The kitchen is provided for the students who want to cook yourself. But in the life of boarding schools today, students that very little cooking himself. Most subscribe to the food stalls around the pesantren, two or three times the food with which to pay a specified time. Students who do not subscribe to the conduct food groups, each consisting about 10 - 12 people. In this group, the students responsible for shopping and cooking (baiasanya students who are poor) but he was released from the joint monthly kisarnya urunan to other students at that time.
Cottage dwelling women students usually separated by a cottage for male students, but separated by kiai and his family's house, also by the mosque and madrassa spaces. State the rooms are not much different from the cabin boy.
Hut system is not only a most important element of the boarding school tradition, but also the primary support for Islamic schools to be able to continue to grow. Although the situation is very simple huts and full error, but the young kids who come from rural and first-time left the village to continue the lesson in a new territory that does not not have had difficulty in the residence or adjustment to a new social environment.
In Indonesia, the young newcomer from the villages who want to study in the city nmelanjutkan often have difficulty housing. Not so in a boarding school environment, where a newcomer will immediately get the room that day as he finished enrolled. Kiai and senior students are always helping new students to adjust to new life in pesantren.KOMENTAR

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